10 Idiom dan Frasa Penting dalam Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Idiom dan Frasa Penting dalam Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Imagine yourself leading an important meeting with an international client. You speak confidently, conveying your ideas clearly and firmly. The client was impressed with your abilities and you managed to close a profitable deal. That’s the power of English in the business world, ET Mates.


In the current era of limitless globalization, English has become a universal language used in the business world. In fact, 80% of multinational companies use English as their main communication language. The ability to communicate in good English will increase your credibility, self-confidence and open up new opportunities in your career.


Maybe you have the desire to become a Web Developer who works with clients from various countries? Or maybe you want to become a Content Creator whose work is read by millions of people around the world? Good English skills are key, ET Mates!


As an employee or student who wants to pursue a career in any field, you need a complete guide to choosing the right business English words and sentences in various business situations.


Basics of business English


1. Mastery of Business English Grammar

Good grammar is the foundation of effective communication. Try to imagine a time when you were making an important presentation but you used the wrong words or sentences. This can make you look unprofessional and can reduce your credibility.

ET has tips that ET Mates can do:

  • Learn and practice correct sentence structure, appropriate tenses, and appropriate punctuation.
  • You can join a study group with friends who have the same goals
  • Use English as a language of communication and provide feedback and corrections to your friends


2. Choose the Right Words

The words you use in business situations can reflect your professionalism. You can avoid using slang or informal words that can make you look like you’re not serious, ET Mates.

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3. Use of Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and phrases can make your English sound more natural and professional, you know, but you also need to pay attention to the context and situation when using them, OK?

ET has several references for Idioms and Phrases commonly used in business English:


  • To touch base:

Meaning: Communicating with someone to say hello, update information, or follow up on something.

Example: “Let’s touch base next week to discuss the project progress.”


  • To think outside the box:

Meaning: Think creatively and innovatively to find new solutions.

Example: “We need to think outside the box to come up with a new marketing strategy.”


  • To cut to the chase:

Meaning: Go straight to the point of discussion without further ado.

Example: “Let’s cut to the chase and discuss the main points of the proposal.”


  • To keep your eyes on the prize:

Meaning: Stay focused on your goals and not easily tempted by other things.

Example: “We need to keep our eyes on the prize and finish this project on time.”


To hit the ground running:

Meaning: Immediately start working enthusiastically and without delay.

Example: “Our new marketing manager hit the ground running and has already made a positive impact.”


  • At the end of the day:

Meaning: Ultimately, as a conclusion, or as an important point.

Example: “At the end of the day, we need to make a decision that is best for the company.”


  • To get the ball rolling:

Meaning: Starting a project or initiative.

Example: “Let’s get the ball rolling on the new marketing campaign.”


  • To be on the same page:

Meaning: Having the same understanding or view about something.

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Example: “It’s crucial that everyone in the team is on the same page regarding the project goals.”


  • To go the extra mile:

Meaning: Doing more than is expected or necessary.

Example: “In this competitive market, it’s important to go the extra mile to satisfy our customers.”


  • To be in the driver’s seat:

Meaning: Being in control or having power over a situation.

Example: “With the new strategy, we are now in the driver’s seat of the market competition.”


  • To be in hot water:

Meaning: Being in a difficult situation or getting into trouble.

Example: “If we miss the deadline, we’ll be in hot water with the client.”


  • To go back to the drawing board:

Meaning: Going back to planning or remodeling something from scratch.

Example: “The initial proposal was rejected, so we need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan.”


  • To get the hang of it:

Meaning: Understand or master a skill or concept.

Example: “It took a while, but I finally got the hang of using the new software.”


  • To turn the tables:

Meaning: Changing circumstances or reversing a situation.

Example: “With the new marketing strategy, we have the opportunity to turn the tables and outperform our competitors.”


You can use some of these phrases and idioms in business English conversations, but before using them, make sure you always understand the context and situation to ensure their use is appropriate and effective in your business communications! If you feel the need to practice using idioms or phrases in business English, don’t worry ET Mates, because you can also practice together in conversation practice which can be done interactively and in a fun way with the English Today Business English Course. Good luck!

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