CORE Professional Communication Skills


CORE Professional Communication Skills

This communications course has been designed to provide the essential skills that have been identified to be commonly lacking and/or require guidance in the professional world, especially in Indonesia. All of the lessons and materials have been curated to improve the soft and hard skills that are fundamental for the development of the participants’ careers and create added value for the company or institution at which they are employed. This course will also heighten the awareness of the world around them and support our mission to build greater ethics and principles in communication to all. The materials are transferable to other languages, with only some of the meetings being English-centric.

The course is for employees and companies who need to broaden their professional communication with internal and external customers, resulting in improved company culture, hastened efficiency, greater productivity and a workforce with heightened value.


Effective Oral Communication

14 hours

  • Effective Meeting Practices
  • Explaining Vocabulary/Jargon to the 'Layman'
  • Using Tactful language
  • Mastering Conversation
  • Providing Clear Explanations


Powerful Presentations

8 hours

  • Effective Presentation Delivery Style
  • Designing Engaging Presentation Introductions
  • Presentation Structure, Conclusions, and PPTs

The flow is designed to focus on bridging the gap between active and passive learning. Therefore, the activities towards the beginning of the course are based around fluency driven content, such as meetings, role-plays and presentations. This should drive the confidence levels of the participants up through the reduction of fear, and in turn, hasten the ability for the to absorb material that requires accuracy. Topics such as email writing and paraphrasing require a foundational appreciation of general communication to understand the need for more accurate forms too.


Professional Writing

6 hours

  • Writing Effective Emails
  • Describing Processes and Flowcharts


Universal Fundamentals

12 hours

  • Using Connectives and Linkers
  • Describing Trends and Statistics
  • Understanding Business Ethics
  • Paraphrasing

Participants are recommended to be Pre-Intermediate level and above. This course DOES NOT accept beginners of English since English is not the primary goal.

Effective Presentation  Delivery Style
  • Body language
  • Tone
  • Emphasis
  • Chunking
Enhanced delivery style .  Greater speaking confidence.  Greater audience interest.

Effective Meeting Practices

  • Facilitating Meetings
  • Participant Behaviour
  • Giving Opinions
  • Disagreeing
  • Making Group Decisions

Creating meritocracies.

Higher efficiency of meetings.

More ethical strategies of decision making.


Explaining  Vocabulary/Jargon to the ‘Layman’

  • Explaining technical Language
  • Giving Strategies for explaining meaning

Navigating translation issues.  Ability to explain to non-experts.


“The New Boss” Case  Study

  • Problem Solving
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Giving Opinions
  • Disagreeing

Making meritocratic decisions where there is no  “correct” answer.


Using Tactful language

  • Providing Sentence Structures
  • Listening Comprehensions
  • Sentence creation

Understanding situations that require more  empathy and delivering message accordingly.  For speaking and writing.


Tactful Language  Roleplays

  • Speaking activities
  • Improvisation

Understanding applicable situations that require  more empathy and delivering message  accordingly.


Using Connectives and  Linkers

  • Body language
  • Tone
  • Emphasis
  • Chunking

Core vocabulary for connecting ideas in writing and  speaking.

Providing the cultural concept of vocabulary variety


Allows for creativity.


Describing Processes and  Flowcharts

  • Grammar: present simple passive
  • Describing flowcharts

Being able to describe complex ideas simply and  clearly.

Will support S.O.P. creation.


Designing Engaging  Presentation Introductions

  • Structure
  • Empowerment Promises
  • Hooks

Delivering engaging and interesting introductions to  generate more audience information retention.


Describing Trends and Statistics

  • Differentiating diagrams/charts
  • Vocabulary for Trends and Statistics
  • Grammar: Present simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple/Present Perfect

Enhancing the language for presentations and  writing.

Deeper understanding of practical grammar  applications.


Mastering Conversation

  • Listening Comprehension: TEDx Talk
  • Discussing Ideas of topic

Improve the ability to have deeper and more  meaningful conversations.

Meeting, team, social productivity improvements.


Understanding Business  Ethics

  • Providing Concepts and Ideas about various positive and negative business ethics
  • Discussion
  • vocabulary/idioms

For greater understanding of good practices and  why it is important to have strong values and  principles for the individual as well as the group.


Business Ethics Roleplays

  • Speaking activities
  • Improvisation

Understanding various situations and using critical  thinking skills and knowledge to solve them as  individuals and in groups.

This should create a more ethical environment and atmosphere within the business space.


Paraphrasing Part 1

Paraphrasing techniques: grammar, vocabulary, word formation

Providing the necessary ability to say the same  thing in a variety of ways in order to generate more  interest to audience and be able to speak more  clearly.


Paraphrasing Part 2

  • Paraphrasing techniques: sentence and paragraph transformations

Providing the necessary ability to say the same  thing in a variety of ways in order to generate more  interest to audience and be able to speak more  clearly

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