English Course in Balikpapan

English Course in Balikpapan

Are you looking for an English training program in Balikpapan? English Today Balikpapan has all you need. English Today is a movement that attracts the elite teachers from all around Indonesia and our Balikpapan branch is no exception. A Grade English trainers = A Grade results. 

English Today’s English Programs

In House English Language Training 


English Today sends our teachers to various offices throughout Balikpapan providing in house English training. Our trainers are the highest qualified and most experienced English language trainers in Balikpapan. This is why if you study with English Today your team will get better results in less time and enjoy the learning process.

Corporate Climbers Business English Training Modules

In addition, our learning materials are tailored to the needs of your employees. We have divided our skill based programs into seven different modules so you can mix and match based on your company’s needs:

  • English for Presentations
  • English for Meetings
  • English for Socializing
  • English for Negotiations
  • English for Tele-conferences
  • English for Report Writing
  • English for Email Writing

Private Lessons (face to face)

This course is specifically for learners who want to learn English effectively but have limited time to join regular classes. Students can study comfortably according to their individual needs and schedules. 

Some of our private courses offered are Business English, General English, Academic English such as TOEFL / TOEIC preparation, or conversation practice. You can also mix and match from our corporate climbers modules.

Online English classes
Our online English courses are the most cost effective and convenient programs we have to offer. Private online English classes use Zoom and one of the most important benefits is that you can record your lesson and re-watch it in order to review what you have learned. In addition you can invite your colleagues, family or friends to join your class and share the lesson fee. If you have 5 people in each class the fee can be as little as IDR 1,000,000 for 15 weeks of English study. You can also choose from our Business English Corporate Training Modules.

Learn English Online in Balikpapan

For those of you who want to learn English online in Balikpapan, there is a practical and best solution for you. English Today has now launched a modern, practical and flexible English learning program through our English Today Online platform. For more information, click www.english-today-online.com we have a wide selection of excellent programs.
With the quick growth of online learning now teachers located in any of English Today’s branches from Jakarta to Medan can teach online. Students who are located in Balikpapan now can have their choice of English Today teachers. Click here to see some of our most professional and experienced teachers.


Wondering what an Online English class looks like?

You or your employees can easily learn English online with our professional local and international English teachers. You just need to determine what days and times you want to study and let us know.
All learning can be done via your smartphone or PC, you will be able to see our teacher and  the learning materials through a powerpoint presentation. At the end of each session, the teacher will send you a copy of the materials along with the video recording of the lesson so you can review the session and have a better understanding of the materials taught.
Benefits of Learning English Online with English Today
The most prominent benefit of using English Today Online is the one-on-one interaction or private session, our teacher will monitor your progress in a detailed manner focusing on areas such as:
  • Ability to speak in English
  • The level of fluency in speaking 
  • Pronunciation
  • Understanding of English grammar
  • Ability to listen and understand English
See also  5 Reasons Why We Need English-Speaking Communities

Starting from the beginning until the last session. We will apply an effective English learning and teaching strategy called the 80:20 method. This will give you more opportunities to speak in English so that you get better results in less time.

English Today Online Learning Platform
English Today also provides an online English learning platform where you can study from our application (iOS and Android) from your phone , tablet or PC. All materials are downloadable so you can still use the materials when you are out of internet range and when you are back in internet range your results will be uploaded to the system.
Steps of Consultation with English Today
If you are interested in joining English Today, we will invite you to go through several steps before finally starting classes for your employees. These are to ensure that our stages of consultation are clear and you know what to expect when you join English Today.
Class level system at English Today
English will provide a placement test to determine the level of the participants before starting the class, we will then create the program based on the participants levels, topics of interest and English skills needed
Reverse 80/20 Teaching Method 
The Reverse 80-20 method focuses on the student speaking for 80% of the learning process. We believe that you will build confidence from actually practicing to speak English with our English trainer as your guide. 
The effectiveness of this method has been proven and it is often mentioned by Cambridge CELTA ( Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults) teachers as the most enjoyable and rewardable method to build English learners’ confidence.
The teacher will provide as many opportunities as possible for you to demonstrate your speaking ability in English.
English Language Course Options
Apart from online English courses, we also have a large selection of other English course programs and some of them are:
  1. English Camp
  2. English for Tourism
  3. English Teacher Training
Are you ready to be part of the change with English Today Balikpapan? Improve your career, business, academic achievement and quality of life with us. Register yourself now and contact us at contact@english-today-indonesia.com
 English Today, your trusted learning partner. Get Better Results in Less Time and enjoy the process. 
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