How to Learn English Grammar for Beginners, You Can Do It Fast!

Learning English grammar is a big challenge that you have to face, especially when learning how to use words. But did you know that English grammar can actually be mastered quickly? As long as you are willing to keep fighting to ensure the accuracy of grammar and practice analyzing sentences.


Well, English grammar is essentially not arranged randomly, but through systematic patterns. All these guidelines can be learned quickly in the following article, so let’s take a look!


8 Ways to Learn English Grammar

Given the importance of English for obtaining educational scholarships to career advancement, there is no reason to be lazy to learn grammar. Here are how to learn English grammar so you can write or speak with confidence.


  1. Understand the Basics of Tenses

Start learning English grammar by understanding and remembering the 3 basic tenses that are the main foundation before learning it. Where, you must know the pattern of using the past tense, present tense, and future tense correctly.


For example, you could try writing down events that are usually done daily using the present tense. Meanwhile, the past tense is generally used to write events that have been done in the past and the future tense for future events that have been planned.


  1. Learn the Patterns of English Sentences

To make it easier to learn English grammar, remember that you also need to learn the patterns of sentences. The way to master it is very easy, just place the subject at the beginning of the sentence, then the verb in the second position. For the third position, it can be occupied by an object or other information that indicates time and place.


The subject in English is not limited to people, but can also be the names of objects, animals, or plants. Whereas the verb, there are verbs that require objects or the actions of the perpetrator and there are also those that do not require objects.

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With the formula (S + Verb + O) the following example sentence:

“The students study hard for the exam.”


  1. Increase Parts of Speech Practice

Next, increase your understanding of parts of speech, which are grouped into 8 categories. First, there is a noun that indicates a noun to name people, animals, or places. Then, pronoun as a substitute for nouns that are specific. Then, there is an adjective to describe objects, such as beautiful, long, and tall.


Verb to provide a description of action and adverb as an adverb that tells when or where something happens. There are also prepositions to explain the relationship between words, such as in, on, at. Conjunction as a complex conjunction and lastly, there is an interjection to express different emotions.


  1. Impactful Habits

The impactful habit that is meant to train grammar is to routinely insert English into daily activities. For example, if you like watching movies or listening to English podcasts, then from now on, it is customary to choose English dialog. Then, observe each of the lyrics and don’t forget to translate them.


You can also try to make a daily diary in English that applies the time of the event in the present, past, or future. So, you can also practice the correct verbs. Well, if you consistently apply it, then it is not difficult to develop English language skills.


  1. Increase Reading Books or Articles

You can also start English grammar by increasing your reading of English books or articles. However, the reading that is chosen should contain the correct language structure and sentence patterns, so that you can get used to it more.


Of course, you should not be lazy to translate their meanings using a dictionary. If you don’t have a dictionary in book form, now you can also find the meaning of vocabulary through an online dictionary, you know.

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  1. Learn with a Skilled Person

Learning English grammar with a skilled person is indeed necessary so that your skills are even more felt. Maybe, you can take advantage of social media to share with people who are good at English. Try to talk to them to find out the location of the sentence error, so that it can be corrected.


Those of you who are preparing to travel abroad can also ask for help from a native speaker who is familiar with English. This teaching method is very effective in helping you quickly master grammar.


  1. Utilize Technology When Learning

Use the sophistication of increasingly modern technology to maximize learning grammar in English. You can even ask anything you don’t understand on the Google engine with just an internet quota.


In addition, you can also install an application to check and understand the truth of the sentence that is compiled. If you are still in doubt, you can even try to follow English grammar courses online or offline with relatively affordable costs.


  1. Practice Grammar a Lot

The next tip for learning grammar in English is to practice it consistently every day. This part is important to do so that all the things you have learned will not be in vain. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with friends, family, or strangers using English.


Embrace the mindset of being confident in learning grammar because mistakes are normal for beginners. Don’t forget, always remember the theories about grammar, so that the mistakes you make will not be repeated.


Well, that’s how to learn English grammar for beginners that you can practice immediately. Don’t hesitate to hone your English grammar skills because without learning, you will not be able to quickly master English.

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