Tips for Choosing the Best English Course and the programs You Need


In recent years, learning foreign languages is one of the options that people would do to stay productive in their leisure time. Up to now, the amount of people who are enthusiastic about learning foreign languages is rising, and this demand does not only come from children, but also adults.

Moreover, a person learning a foreign language in this sophisticated era does not need to come to class. It’s because there is a lot of media for learning foreign languages, such as books, YouTube videos, OME TV, online courses, and others. You can even watch movies as an activity to learn new languages.

The most popular language learned is English. Because it is an international language that is used for global communication, it is absolutely essential to learn. Then, for those of you who desire to learn this language, you can take an English course or you can see the fastest ways to learn this language in the discussions below.

The Fastest Ways to Master English

For those who were not born in a family that used English as a second language, it is definitely more difficult because there are a lot of rules in English that should be understood well, such as the rules of writing and the rules of pronouncing English words.

However, It doesn’t mean that this language is difficult to learn, because all languages are basically the same. It all depends on how great your efforts are to learn this language. In addition, there are several patterns in English lessons that can help you to understand this language. So, if you are excited to master this foreign language, you can read the following discussions about the fastest way to learn English.

1. Learning through English Learning Applications

The first way that ET Mates can improve your understanding towards English is by learning through applications. You only need to search for applications to learn English through the Google Play store. In those applications, you can learn English structure or grammar. You can also train your writing skill, listening, reading, and even your speaking.

Besides being able to upgrade your English skills, you can also improve your vocabulary mastery. Of course, the more often you use those applications to learn English, the better your ability in any skill is, as long as you spend enough time.

However, if you would like to get the more optimal results, you must challenge yourself to practise the lessons you have learned. For example, if today you are learning the structure about Simple Present Tense, try to use that tense in your communication or when you talk with other people who are also learning English or those who are already experts.

2. Learning English through YouTube

Another way that you can do to master English fast is by watching videos on YouTube. What kind of videos can you watch? First, you can watch learning videos, either with native speakers or local teachers who understand English. There are a lot of channels on YouTube related to English learning that provide a variety of lessons such as grammar, pronunciation, reading, and so on.

Second, you can watch native speakers’ vlogs on any topics, such as travel, lifestyle, or others. Keep in mind that topics are not too necessary to be considered because your primary focus is learning the language they use. Third, watch any reaction videos that are made by native speakers to react to idols or certain actors. This activity is really recommended for those who are K-Pop fans that generally like to watch any reactions toward their favorite idols MV video. And there are still many activities you can do to upgrade your English skills.

3. Learning English through OME TV

In this modern era, OME TV is so popular, and it has attracted many people who are enthusiastic about mastering foreign languages such as English. Of course, you can use this application to upgrade your English skills. From this application, you can have the opportunity to talk with foreigners from different countries. So, you can benefit from this by asking them whether the sentences you are speaking are correct or not.

There are a number of OME TV celebrities that eventually become popular because they can communicate with foreigners fluently. One of those celebrities is Fiki Naki. So, do you want to be the next Fiki Naki, who isn’t only able to speak English, but also other languages in this world? Most of you may answer yes, I want.

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4. Learning English by Taking a Course

Not everyone has a lot of  spare time to learn something autodidact. Just take the example of the situation when they want to learn English, but are having difficulty managing their time. So, they really need guidance and directions from the experts when learning this language. If you’re that type of person, you don’t need to worry. You can decide to take an English course to optimize the learning process.

The English course is really recommended for you who want to learn this language from the basics with systematic lessons. Besides, the existence of tutors can motivate you to be more diligent in learning the language because you can directly ask your tutors when you are confused about certain lessons.

How to Choose the Best Course? See These Tips!

This digital era really helps everyone in gaining anything instantly with more flexibility. One example is that there are a lot of online English courses that provide effective teaching and learning methods. Of course, it is really recommended for those who desire to learn English but don’t have much leisure time.

So, if you’re going to choose this way to learn English, you can read the following tips in choosing the best and qualified online English course. For those of you who are searching for a good English course with the best service and high quality, you need to read these following tips to choose the best course. Here we go!

1. Choose a Course That Holds a Placement Test 

The first thing that you need to consider is  whether there is a placement test for new students or not. For your information, a placement test is very important to be held in order to know how far the new students’ ability is in understanding English.

When the result is released, you will know which programs you should take in that course, and you will know what skills need to be improved. From the result, you can also know what skill you are best at.

If you have any doubts about the programs you will take, you can join a trial class. Generally, some English courses provide trial classes for new students. From this trial class, you will know whether you are convinced with the programs and the tutors or not, so you can decide whether to continue to take the course or cancel.

2. Pay Attention on The Learning Methods Implemented

The second tip is paying attention to the learning methods implemented in the course you will take. Of course, every course has its own learning and teaching methods, so your duty is choosing the best one.

Make sure that you choose the learning method that clicks with your learning style. Therefore, you will be more excited to learn and the lessons will seem easier.

Generally, the learning stages from the beginning to the end include the stages of learning, trying, applying, and certifying, in which each of them has its own aims. In the stage of learning, you will learn English by interacting with the professional tutors in the class by using different media, for example books.

The second stage is trying, which is indicated by the activity of interacting with tutors or friends using English. While the applying stage is indicated by the activity of applying all lessons that you have learned, in your real daily activities like practicing conversation with other people. The last, the stage of certifying, is defined as the result of your learning which means you have accomplished your course and are ready to get a certificate.

3. Choose a Course That Has Small Classes 

If you are a type of person who can concentrate well in private learning, then you are supposed to take a small class. So, all lessons taught by tutors will be understood easily and optimally.

Generally, every course has its own regulations about private classes. However, you can pick the class containing five to seven students only, so that the teaching-learning process will be more effective and efficient.

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4. Having Qualified Educators

Make sure that you choose an English course with qualified tutors who already have teaching certificates that have been approved globally including Teaching English as a Foreign Language or TEFL and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages or TESOL.

Also ensure that the tutors have the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults or CELTA that can prove they are professional in teaching-learning activities. Those three kinds of certificates show that the tutors are qualified and responsible for their duty as educators.

Before Choosing Learning Programs, Consider These!

English skills are the basic skills which are needed in this era of globalization to keep updated. These skills have even been set as the obligations for many candidates of employees who would like to apply in particular companies.

Unfortunately, there are still many people who are not confident in speaking English or unconvinced with their English skills. As we know, English skills that should be mastered by ET Mates are classified into four areas such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

It’s good if you can master all of these skills, but what if there is one or two skills left because they seem harder than others? Choosing the correct English programs is the solution. However, before you choose the programs, consider these following points first!

1. Decide the Subjects You Will Learn

In learning English, there are a lot of subjects that you can study, so you have to select them based on your needs. For example, if you want to upgrade your speaking, then you can take conversation class, public speaking class, or even debating class.

From this speaking class, you can get a lot of chances to speak more in English by the guidance and directions from native-speaker or local tutors. You can also choose a speaking class for purposes such as for education or business purposes.

2. Know Your English Levels

There are several levels in learning English, from level one which is called beginner to level nine which is called very advanced. Then, how to know your level of learning? You can choose an English course that holds a placement test. The aim is to decide what programs and levels you will take. You won’t want to waste your time because of choosing the wrong level, right?

3. Check Your Time Availability to Learn English

Before taking programs, you should ensure whether you have available time to attend the class consistently or not. For example, you can set your time after work or on weekends to join the class with your tutors.

Generally, an English course will have several programs with varied schedules. However, you don’t need to worry. Just choose the schedule you are available for! Or you can take an online class program if you cannot manage time well.

4. Consider the Courses Fee

Before choosing the English course, you should consider the course fee that is not cheap. Moreover, if you take a private class or a class with native speaker. That is why you need to take the programs based on your available budget. However, there are a lot of courses that charge an affordable price nowadays.

Recommendation of a Trusted English Course for You

In this digital era, there have been a lot of English courses, one of which is English Today which is located throughout every city in Indonesia. It is the best option for you who want to learn English in Jakarta or other cities such as Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, and Balikpapan.

English Today provides interactive and effective teaching-learning methods that can improve your English quickly. Moreover, the number of tutors has reached more than fifty tutors that can guide ET Mates from basic to advanced level.

English Today also has an online English course program for those of you who don’t have much leisure time to learn English in class. The materials are easy to understand and the teaching-learning activities can be done online with more flexible time. So, what are you waiting for? Register yourself right now to upgrade your confidence in speaking English!

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