Tips and Tricks: How to Learn Business English Fast


What is your first thought that pops  up in your mind when someone says  “Business English”? Some (people) would think it’s all about entrepreneurship. It is not entirely wrong, ET Mates. However, it is not also entirely correct. Business English is the specific term that we use in the professional world. Moreover, it is also about manners and delivery.

Imagine this, someone is talking to their friends and, suddenly, their client called. Would they use the same manner when they are talking to their client? If they don’t want to lose their job then the answer is no. The manner and delivery we use represent our entire company. In English, there is a fine line that keeps daily basis conversation and professional delivery separated.

How to Learn Business English Fast

Therefore, if you want to use English to pursue a better career or reach a bigger audience and clients, you need some tips and tricks on how to learn business English fast:

Understand English Grammar

Before learning Business  English, it is very important to understand basic grammatical rules. You don’t need to memorize all of the sixteen grammatical rules perfectly and become a linguistics master to use business English, but at least, understand (their functions and when to use) them.

Because, in the professional world,  you are either an entrepreneur or an employee, you want to avoid errors as much as you can to maintain your credibility. You can boost your English fluency by doing simple English exercises, reading English articles, reading English subtitles, and writing!

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Enrich Your Vocabulary

Expanding your lexical range will be a great benefit for you! Not only in Business  English but also in every aspect of your life, ET Mates! When you have a large vocabulary bank inside your head that means you can express your opinion better. Furthermore, you can distinguish which word has the best diction for certain contexts. Enrich your vocabulary by memorizing one word every day! To memorize better, you can write them down in your journal or apply them in your daily conversation.

Find a  Great Mentor

Mentoring is one of the best ways to master Business  English quicker! A great mentor will be the equivalent to a speaking partner while you  practice  your English speaking. There is nothing wrong with learning alone or trying to figure it all out by yourself, but you’ll learn faster when you  have someone who can guide you during your learning journey.

By having a mentor, you can get cultural insights that will open your eyes that Business  English is not only about language. You can get constructive feedback that will boost your confidence too. Most importantly, sometimes, your mentor can give you unexpected situations so you can learn how to respond fast in English.

Learning Business English could be a very long journey if you have ineffective methods. However, it is one of the (most) vital skills we should have nowadays, especially as we are competing in the globalization era. Imagine the possibilities or opportunities you can achieve if you master Business  English. Good luck, ET Mates!

See also  How to Learn English Grammar for Beginners, You Can Do It Fast!
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